Kansas Business Group on Health
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Our 2022 Annual Report is now available!

澳门平台网址大全平台注册 重要的.

The Kansas Business Group on Health (澳门平台网址大全平台注册), an affiliate of the Medical Society of Sedgwick County, is a nonprofit group of employers, 卫生保健提供者, 健康计划承保人, 福利咨询公司, 和其他人. The 澳门平台网址大全平台注册 provides access to benefits and insurance design strategies, membership-level resources and tools for lowering healthcare costs.

特蕾莎修女鲁普 Child Start - Kansas Business Group on Health


Our membership is comprised of over 40 organizations in both the private and public sectors throughout the greater Wichita region and Kansas. All members of 澳门平台网址大全平台注册 are committed to improving the value of health care dollars.

Kansas Business Group on Health


Governed by a small staff and advisory council, 澳门平台网址大全平台注册寻求的是教育, network and accelerate the greater Wichita area’s progress towards safe, 非常高效。, high-quality health care and the improved health status of our community.

Kansas Business Group on Health - 员工健康福利


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我们做什么? 成员 不得不说?

特蕾莎修女鲁普 Child Start - Kansas Business Group on Health


执行董事 儿童起步公司.

Child Start has been a member of the Kansas Business Group on Health for the past six years. As a purchaser of health insurance for my employees, I have found 澳门平台网址大全平台注册 to offer insight that has been really helpful. I’ve learned a lot from conversations at 澳门平台网址大全平台注册 with other employers, I’ve been amazed at what I’ve learned at the annual 医疗圆桌会议, I’ve been able to think more clearly about our employees’ health and what we can do to help them receive better care and achieve better health outcomes. It’s absolutely worthwhile to be a member!


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Get the most out of 澳门平台网址大全平台注册 by collaborating, 网络, 向同伴学习, 专家, 政策制定者, and the local medical community through our informative resources, 研讨会和网络研讨会.